Join us May 1, 2023 for our Membership Meeting (OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) where we will have an educational talk given by Jordan Dodge, WVMS President, on Morels of the PNW.
The season for Morel foraging is upon us! You can join us in-person at the Salem Scottish Rite Center or via Zoom (info on our Events calendar). Our meetings start off with a mushroom ID session (in-person only - not on Zoom) at 6:00-6:30pm. We then cover our Society business from 6:30-7:00pm. Our educational program starts at 7:00pm with a duration of approx. 45-60 mins with Q&A just after. Meeting concludes approx. 8:30pm.
Help setting up chairs for our meetings at 5:45pm is always greatly appreciated! Interested in becoming a member? Please visit our website's Membership page where you can join.